PROBOT INNOVATION is a Spanish engineering company located in Yecla (Murcia) focusing on developing highly technological and innovative projects and services in the field of ROBOTICS and INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION.
Some of our projects have generated potentially innovative systems for product assembly, adhesive application, palletising and depalletising, quality control inspection, fabric handling and upholstery, stapling, profiling, welding, machining, complex communication systems, software… Always with a high degree of R&D.
Automatic base and lid upholstery.
TAPIBOT is a unique MODULAR solution in the market capable of automatically upholstering bases and lids. The system integrates various technologies such as fabric dragging, cutting and gluing using ultrasonic technology, equidistant perimeter fabric tensioning and dragging, servo-motorised movement for customised tensioning, state-of-the-art robotics with multi-tool (multi-model) integration: High-speed automatic stapling, handling (depalletising) and extraction (palletising) of bases and lids.
Module 1. Automatic upholstery system.
Module 2. Piece-by-piece flipping system.
Assembly of metallic bases and lids on particleboard or cardboard.
Modules that allow configuring various solutions for stapling or nailing particleboard on a metallic structure, profiling edges, or drilling holes for air vents.
Module 1. Product buffer system, lines of 3, 4, or 5 products (defined in the project).
Module 2. Particleboard/cardboard handling system.
Module 3. Assembly system (staples, nails, gluing).
Module 4. Individual or multi-hole drilling system.
Module 5. 2-head milling or profiling system.
Module 6. Gantry systems for stacking/de-stacking.
Multitasking and multi-sector robot.
ROBOT AUTOMATION introduces an innovative system for real-time multitasking development, tailored to production needs. The developed system enables the automation of new production processes that, until today, were impossible or complicated to process due to size, morphology, and composition.
The developed system takes us to a scenario where reach limitations, orientations, and operability provide a new way of working and allow obtaining a multifunctional tool capable of performing operations that currently a single robot cannot achieve.